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Hart Hanson habla sobre "Bones"
Escrito por Lupita el jueves, 21 de abril de 2011 |

En una llamada de conferencia con reporteros esta semana, el creador de BONES, Hart Hanson,discutió el "cambiador de juego" al final de la temporada, el "crossover" de mañana y más. Hanson también habló sobre un par "embarazosas" - en Bones a Angela y a Emily Deschanel en la vida real y sus complicaciones en el Hit de FOX.Fanaticos de la televisión fueron afortunados al oir sufisiente. Algunos fragmentos aparecen a continuación:

  • On Booth’s emotional journey in season six:
    “I’ll tell you this – we’ve been building all year to something. I would hate to say what it was, but we’ve been building all year and I’d hate to cheat the audience in any way out of the experience that we’ve worked really hard to get them to. That is in there.”
  •  On whether Angela and Hodgins’ pregnancy problems were planned from the onset:
    “I always think of Angela and Hodgins as just the greatest couple in the world. They don’t have very many internal problems so they have to go through obstacles that come at them from the outside and watch them deal with it. As things stand now in our Bones show, the baby has a 75% chance of being born fine – with the sight absolutely fine – and a 25% chance of being born blind. We just want to see how that looks to Hodgins and Angela, and I think it’s alright to say that the season ender has a lot to do with the birth of Angela and Hodgins’ baby. We’ll find out then how they are going to proceed in their lives as a family.”
  • “Do we do shows without Emily? Do we simply shutdown when Emily’s not available and thus do 16 or 18 episodes or do we do a few episodes without her? These are all choices that we have to mak".
Disculpen si los fragmentos estan en inglés pero lo primero lo traducí yo así que den creditos ;P jijii OknO. chauu!


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